a fully integrated supply chain experience

Chembulk is authorized and approved by US Coast Guard and Canadian port authorities in 50 ports in North America to service liquid chemical transfer to marine vessels.

Chembulk works with key decision makers in the shipping industry to help ship owners comply with IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI compliance requirements.

Saint John, NB
Halifax, NS
Montreal, QC
Quebec, QC
Great Lakes
Ohio River Valley
Boston, MA
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Wilmington, DE
Baltimore, MD
Norfolk, VA
Savannah, GA
Wilmington, NC

Charleston, SC
Canaveral, FL
Port Everglades, FL
Miami, FL
Tampa, FL
San Juan, PR
Mobile, AL
New Orleans, LA
Galveston, TX
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
Juneau, AK

Chembulk holds approval from US Coast Guard sectors for the mobile transfer of bulk chemicals, specifically for the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) process used in scrubbers, ensuring compliance with pollution prevention requirements set by IMO and EPA for ship owners.

Chembulk offers a fully integrated supply chain experience, encompassing material procurement, transportation, and transfer to the ship—a convenient one-stop solution.

Chembulk technical team delivers skilled services to meet the ship operation teams’ demands, facilitating prompt liquid transfers over water or through barge-assisted pumping.

Chembulk operation team is characterized by its flexibility in adapting to changing ground conditions within the port, enabling optimized ship operations and berthing procedures.