Logistics AND TRANSPORTATION services for marine and Industrial applications

Strengthening customer supply chain.

On-time delivery

Chembulk is certified by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) to transport hazardous materials as per DOT 49 CFR. 

Transportation Management System (TMS)

Hazmat Certified CDL Drivers

Specialized Heated Stainless Steel Tankers

Pumping Equipment with Trained Person In Charge (PIC)

Experience the power of Chembulk’s swift and secure logistics solutions. Chembulk TMS solutions allow products to reach its destination on time, ensuring uninterrupted production and superior supply chain management.

Chembulk’s Responsible Care commitment and Safety-first approach guarantees secure chemical handling throughout the tranportation cycle, protecting both the product and the environment.

Chembulk logistics offers customized services to meet customer specific needs. Customers benefit from expertise in domestic and international logistics.